NYBFW SS25: Mira Zwillinger “Reflections”

April 3, 2024

Mira Zwillinger “Reflections”

Haute Couture Spring Summer 2025

“Everything we experience is a reflection of our inner self.

Everyone we meet, everything we go through, teaches us something, most importantly about who we are. We may think that things just happen for no particular reason, the truth is that the way we view someone or something is actually a reflection of how we see ourselves.

When we love and accept ourselves unconditionally, we create magic. We can experience life filled with inner beauty and inner peace, which we radiate through us to reality, and give us the opportunity to see and experience endless beauty and serenity.

Our SS25 Haute Couture “Reflections” collection was created with a strong will to remind ourselves and others that beauty and tenderness exist all around us. We have designed rich and flowy gowns with elements that echo from gowns themselves, and change their shape in every movement, just like reality can change in an instant. It’s up to us to be focused, present and open to see and connect the magic surrounding us in life”

Mira & Lihi Zwillinger

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